
World Cup, baby!

6.15.2010 3
That's it, really. Between Soccer games and moving to a new house, you can probably not expect another post until after July 11th.

Cheers, and best of luck kiddos.


Man threatens to kill 9-year-old daughter unless she drinks alcohol

6.04.2010 10
I'm not kidding. I wish I was. These are the kind of people that should never be allowed to procreate. Read the story HERE

Oh, and the ever classic "Man tries to trade baby for beer and drugs" located in the site page as above. Of just click HERE

It makes me ill. I'm a parent and news like this make me want hurt my knuckles against somebody's face. I was feeling guilty for letting my kids watch "The Fly" and "The Matrix" and introducing them to "Terminator". Suddenly, I'm feeling pretty good about my parenting skills... and that's a stretch.
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