
Psychosomatically Busy

I'm not just trying to be fansy schmancy with the titles... it trully has been an insane time for me. My for realz life is invading my virtual one, and started rape, pilage and plunder. I don;t know where this all came from, but I am hoping that I can create my own little Hannibal the barbarian, fight back this intruding force.

I miss my blogging buds, and their great posts.


L. Diane Wolfe

Hope you can get it all together in your head!


Confound that real life! It's always getting in the way.

A.J. Frey

I just came out of the rabbit hole myself. But, it's great to be back - and you will be too - soon. Those pesky characters won't leave you alone for too long, moo-hahaha. (sorry, that was more of a demented cow than a scary laugh.)

Oh, BTW - there's an award for you on my blog, swing by and pick it up when you're in the neighborhood.


I hear ya! Life is intrusive!!

Hope you're well. :)


from the desk of a writer

Leigh Hutchens Burch

I miss you too! Come back to me! :)

Sierra Godfrey

What is this "life" you speak of?
what else is there but my blog? :)

Fox Lee

My posts have been quite naughty ; )


Yeah, what is life?

A blogger must blog.


I get it. I really do. You should check out my post from today (wed.). It is NOTHING.

Wendy Sparrow

I hate it when life intrudes on the my unreality. Sucks. :) It happens, though. Good luck getting back to cyberhood.

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